课程评价 & 调查

The University currently uses 课程评价 & 调查 (formerly EvaluationKIT) to administer Student Perceptions of Instruction. 课程评价 & 调查(CES) is an innovative evaluation platform that allows us to smoothly administer student perceptions of instructions (SPIs) as well as other general surveys. 它也很简单 to use via web or mobile devices.

Completing SPIs is very important and helpful for instructors and the university. All SPIs can be accessed via a single link that will be distributed along with other related correspondence from our university survey email address, southsurveys@stellarhygiene.net,或通过 Canvas.

To protect student anonymity, instructors, deans, and chairs will only be able to view overall results after final grades have been posted. 这将使学生 to provide candid responses to the SPI.

For instructors, CES provides various reporting options to view SPI results as well 作为回应率. SPI results are also available through Canvas.

University deans and chairs are able to access CES to obtain detailed reports related to their college and/or department.





课程评价 & Survey Results Reporting Resources