

The eForms site has been established as a convenient resource for web users to be 能够快速找到张贴的机构电子表格 表格将按系或学院索引.

该站点的url为 可以在网站的主A-Z索引中找到.

Our goal is to have the current version of each form saved in the eform folder for 负责表格维护和保养的部门. 例如, travel reimbursement form should be saved in the folder, /departments/eforms/travel. If your department wants to build a helpful links page for your staff and point to the travel form, you should simply link to 表单 located in the /departments/eforms/travel 目录. If 表单 is updated in three months, it will be updated in only one location and anyone linking to the document will get the new version. 任何部门 on campus can link to 表单 but should not upload a copy of 表单 into their 学院或系名录. 应该有 只有一份 of a form 在 webserver so that those referencing 表单 will always have access 到最新版本.

重要提示:  All fillable forms must be checked for 可访问性 before they are added to your eform页面.  With Adobe Acrobat you can run the 可访问性 check and see a report outlining errors found and tips for making changes to bring your form into compliance.  Some of the most frequent mistakes made are failing to label form fields and adding alternate text, defining the language for 表单, adding alternate text for images, 定义制表符顺序.  Always insure that your forms meet the requirements before linking them to your page.



  • Each department will need to establish a webmaster responsible for maintenance of their eForm page and let Web服务 know so appropriate access can be granted to the files and the individual can be trained 在 tools required to maintain your 页面和上传修改后的文件.

  • For many of the departments, a page has already been created using forms that were 由你所在部门在旧表单页面上引用. 你需要检查它的准确性 of links on this page and upload the most current version 你的形式s.

  • In addition, forms may be added or removed from your eForms page and you will be able 做出必要的改变. 日常维护容易.

    1. 维护页面上的链接列表
    2. 上传新的或修改过的表格 (Whenever possible, overwrite the existing form with a revised form of the same name to reduce the number of changes to links referencing 你的表单遍布整个网络.)
    3. Notify Web服务 when you have changed or added a link so an entry can be made 到eForm A-Z指数.


  • 保持页面上的链接
    1. 打开你的页面. 去 然后导航到你的页面.
    2. 使用您的凭证登录到OU.
    3. 使用所见即所得工具编辑表项.
    4. 设置到表单的链接. 如果有必要,将表单上传到您的目录.
  • 上传新的或修改过的表格
    1. For new forms, upload your new forms to the 目录 and then set your links.  Be certain you check your new form for accessibility and correct any errors prior to 上载到eForms目录.

    2. For revised versions of 表单s, please be sure to name the new version with the same name as previously used, check 表单 for accessibility and then upload it.  一定要点击 覆盖复选框上传 选项卡 页面 视图以覆盖旧表单. (注意:保留表单的名称很重要 so that links will not be broken when others have referenced the link for pages on 他们的网站. Again, think back to the Travel form and how many places a link might 设置为引用它. 您不希望更改表单的名称,以便 所有先前设置的链接将保持功能.)

      It is important to note that you should not use the webserver as storage for old versions 你的形式. Please keep a copy of the old versions on your local device so that the webserver will be free from old forms that could be mistakenly referenced.

  • 更新A-Z列表—通知Web服务

The A-Z eForms Index is a compilation of all eform available 在 site.  这些 can be accessed by typing any word in 表单 name in the search field or using the A-Z列表显示以指定字母开头的项目.  此外,你 会注意到页面右栏的标签列表吗.  使用这些标签, 您可以调出与特定主题相关的表单.  一个表单可以链接到多个表单 tags if it is related to more than one topic making it easier for the user to locate 尽管他们可能不知道它的名字.  

When you are checking the A-Z index, please also check to make sure that your form 是否有适当的标签,以便容易找到.  如果标签需要编辑,请 indicate the desired change when you submit a link to Web服务 for inclusion in 该指数.*

    1. 如果添加新表单, please send the name of 表单 to Web服务 along with the correct link to 表单.  *也要注明上面讨论的所需标签.
    2. 如果您更新表单 – change the version of 表单 but do not change the way it is listed in 该指数 或者链接——不需要通知Web服务.
    3. 如果您更改表单的名称, please notify Web服务 of the old name as it appears in the A-Z, the new name, 如果链接发生了变化,就会显示新的链接. 点击这里提交更新表单a - z的请求.
