


十大彩票网投平台 welcomes international sponsored students. 一个赞助 student is any international student whose tuition and/or fees are paid directly to the 十大彩票网投平台 by an outside organization, embassy, government or 公司.

美国全球 is dedicated to serving international sponsored students through the Global 外联和国际招生 & 主校区的学生项目办公室. Sponsored students must comply with immigration regulations, sponsoring organizations, 和大学 & academic program(s) requirements while at the University. 

Below are some common topics/requirements/requests sponsored students encounter. 为 more information, please contact 美国全球 by emailing globalusa@stellarhygiene.net 或者拨打+1 (251)460-7800.


FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) is federal legislation in the United States that protects the privacy of students' personally identifiable information. 的 十大彩票网投平台 will not release any student information to sponsoring organizations without written consent form the student.

同意书可在此下载 or picked up from the 注册商's Office in Meisler Hall on the main campus.


Periodically, scholarship granting organizations will request enrollment verifications.  美国全球 has been given responsibility for providing this service. 全球美国验证 will be able to verify non-traditional courses taken in the past and can verify enrollment 截至所要求的日期. All verification requests should be submitted on an official 申请表并由学生签名. FERPA prohibits the release of your information 没有你的签名. Please allow three to five business days for processing.

电子邮件 globalusaverify@stellarhygiene.net for an official request form and with any questions you may have about the process.


Degree conferral occurs after the conclusion of the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms.  的 conferral date is the date that the degree is considered officially awarded. 的 conferral date will be posted on the official transcript and the diploma. 

的re are four ways to provide evidence of a degree being officially awarded:





为 more detailed information on degree verification as well as the correct forms 要使用,请访问 Office of the 注册商's Degree Verification webpage


If you wish to invite a member of your family or friends to come to the United States on a B-2 签证 (visitor for touristic purposes), use the steps below as a guide. 的 以下建议仅作为建议. 如果你的家人或朋友需要的话 apply for a 签证, they should first review the instructions for 签证 applications 在美国.S. Embassy or Consulate website where they will apply for their 签证.


-完成 申请确认毕业信 然后发送到 国际招生办公室 & 学生项目 for a Commencement participation eligibility letter.

-为你的客人写一封邀请函. 这封信一定是你写的 毕业,不是大学毕业. You can view a template for the letter and suggested 这里有其他文档. Do not mail this letter to the embassy/consulate. 使 sure your guest includes it with the Commencement participation eligibility letter 在签证面谈时.

-访问美国.S. State Department website for information on how to apply for a visitor 签证.

查看具体说明上的美国.S. 大使馆或领事馆网站,如 应用的步骤可能会有所不同.

Note: 的 十大彩票网投平台 does not produce letters of invitation, the 毕业生必须写. If you have any questions about what is needed, visit Meisler 大厅套房2200.