教员保险箱 & 工作人员

  • Safebox is a secure and safe method for faculty and staff to share sensitive data 和他们的美国同事. 

  • 保险箱不打算作为长期或安全存储. 文件应该从 尽快送到保险箱. 任何留在保险箱里的文件都将被永久删除 7天后. 保险箱中的数据永远不会备份.



  • First click the Safebox shortcut on your desktop and navigate to the folder associated 你的部门.

  • Copy the file from that folder and paste it onto to your desktop (or wherever you 喜欢). 如果您知道您是唯一的收件人,请将其从“保险箱”中删除.

  • If the file is encrypted (you cannot open it), contact the person who shared it with 你和要求一个密码.

您希望与他人共享文件吗?  如果你需要加密文件,请 在这里使用完整的说明. 否则,

  • Locate the file on your 硬盘 and copy it to your desktop (or a temporary location 由你选择).

  • Rename the file such that (a)它是唯一的,并且(b)不传递敏感数据.

  • Cut the file from your desktop or temporary location (you will be pasting it elsewhere 等一下).

  • Click the Safebox shortcut on your desktop and navigate to the folder associated with 收件人.

  • 把你的文件粘贴到那个文件夹中.

  • Notify 收件人(s) that the file is in his/her/their departmental Safebox folder.

Any faculty or staff member who needs to share a sensitive file with another faculty or staff member should be using Safebox to transfer that file (unless a Computer Center approved process already exists as may be the case where individuals are using security 令牌和加密应用程序等.)
  • All University and Health System faculty and staff with Active Directory credentials (generally those of you who log into your computer with a name and password every 天)已经有有限的访问保险箱. 你可以看到所有的组织 folders in Safebox and you will be able to place files into any of those folders. You will not, however, be able to read, copy, or delete any of the files in Safebox.

  • To be able to copy or move files from Safebox to your personal computer for reading, 你必须获得额外的访问权限. 请询问你的部门主管或部门主管 Vp完成一个 访问形式 代表你. Department Heads: When filling out the form you will need to specify 请求访问哪个文件夹. 首先打开保险箱并检查可用的 文件夹的名字. 列出任何适用的. 如果您觉得需要创建一个新文件夹, 将其列为NEW-[名称](如NEW- financial Aid). 注意创建新文件夹 是否由计算机中心决定. 一旦批准,计算机 Center will email you confirmation and any pertinent follow up information.
If you are using Windows 7 operating system, follow the instructions here to download 并安装保险箱安装程序. 

方法一:校级安全 This will insure that no sensitive data is exposed to Non-University members.

  • The faculty/staff member who wishes to share a file: First locate that file on your 硬盘.
  • Copy the file to your desktop (or a temporary location 由你选择) and rename it such that (a)它是唯一的,并且(b)不传递敏感数据. 例如, if Dostoevsky 在4月18日与惠特曼共享一份文件, 2013 the name of the file 可能是2013-04-18. 如果陀思妥耶夫斯基要把文件发给多人 接收方,文件可能被命名为2013 - 04 - 18 - _dostoevsky_multi. 我不觉得你有 to limit yourself to that structure, just be sure that you are not communicating sensitive 文件名中的信息.
  • Now cut the file from your desktop or temporary location (you will be pasting it elsewhere 等一下).
  • Click the Safebox shortcut on your desktop and navigate to the folder associated with 收件人. 例如,如果您打算与的教员共享文件 工程部,导航到校园保险箱\工程部.
  • 将文件粘贴到文件夹中. 注意,一旦你粘贴了你的文件,你将不会 be able to do anything further with it (unless you are dropping the file into your own department's folder and you have been granted additional access to that folder).
  • Notify 收件人(s) that the file is in his/her/their departmental Safebox folder.
  • The recipient: First click the Safebox shortcut on your desktop and navigate to the 与部门相关的文件夹.
  • Copy the file from that folder and paste it onto to your desktop (or wherever you 喜欢). 如果您知道您是唯一的收件人,请将其从“保险箱”中删除.

 方法2:对等层安全- This will insure that no sensitive data is exposed to Non-University members and that 它只能由预期的收件人阅读.

  • Note that this level of security requires that the file being shared is a Microsoft Office 2007(或更高版本)文档或adobepdf.

  • The faculty/staff member who wishes to share a file: First locate that file on your 打开硬盘.

  • Next, save a copy of the document to your desktop (or a temporary location of your 选择)使用密码保护的加密. 确保将文件命名为 (a)它是唯一的,并且(b)不传递敏感数据. 比如陀思妥耶夫斯基 在4月18日与惠特曼共享一份文件, 2013文件的名称可能是2013-04-18 _陀思妥耶夫斯基_惠特曼. 如果陀思妥耶夫斯基要把文件发给多人 recipients, the file might be named 2013 - 04 - 18 - _dostoevsky_multi. 不要觉得你必须把自己限制在那种结构中, just be sure that you aren't communicating sensitive 文件名中的信息. One of the links below will provide further instructions on encrypting your file:

    • 针对Office 2010用户的说明

    • Office 2013用户指南

  • Now you have an encrypted copy of your file on the desktop (or a location of your 选择). 剪切该文件(稍后将粘贴到其他地方).

  • Click the Safebox shortcut on your desktop and navigate to the folder associated with 收件人. 例如,如果您打算与的教员共享文件 工程部,导航到校园保险箱\工程部.

  • 把你的文件粘贴到那个文件夹中. 注意,一旦你粘贴了你的文件,你将不会 be able to do anything further with it (unless you are dropping the file into your own department's folder and you have been granted additional access to that folder).

  • Notify 收件人s that the file is in his/her/their departmental Safebox folder.

  • The recipient: First click the Safebox shortcut on your desktop and navigate to the 与部门相关的文件夹.

  • Copy the file from that folder and paste it onto to your desktop (or wherever you 喜欢). 如果您知道您是唯一的收件人,请将其从“保险箱”中删除.

  • AFTER you have copied the file from the server to your computer, contact the faculty/staff 共享文件并请求密码的成员.

  • The faculty/staff member that shared the file: You can now contact the sender and 给他们密码.

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