电 & 计算机工程研究生课程

Electric Engineering students working on a machine with professor.


研究生协调员照片Have questions about our Department’s graduate program or about applying for admission? E-mail the Department’s Graduate Coordinator, Dr. 赛义德·拉蒂夫,slatif@stellarhygiene.net 或致电(251)460-6998.

Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s (ABM) program

的 ABM program allows full-time undergraduate students within two semesters of BSEE or BSCpE graduation at USA, who have a cumulative GPA of 3.在美国,0分或更好 at least 30 credit hours taken at USA), to earn their MSEE degree at an accelerated 速度. 学生 registered for the ABM program may use up to six credit hours of graduate 课程朝向 这两个 BSEE/BSCpE和MSEE学位. 这意味着在获得BSEE或BSCpE后 degree the course load for the MSEE degree is reduced by six credit hours. 更多信息请点击这里.

Master of Science degree in 电 Engineering (MSEE)

硕士 degree in 电 Engineering is increasingly required for advanced-level employment opportunities with higher-profile national and international employers. 学生 who want to separate themselves from the pack in the employment race should seriously consider taking a Master’s degree either through the ABM program (see above) 或者作为一个独立的资格证书. 的 programs of study provide knowledge of modern engineering concepts and practices, and build upon the knowledge and skills expected of a holder of a typical Bachelor’s degree to the point where a Master’s graduate can make high-level contributions to contemporary engineering designs. 硕士 degree is also an ideal preparation for further study towards the doctoral degree 如果需要.

▼   Additional Information, Master of Science (MSEE) degree 

MSEE students can choose one of three tracks: 电 Engineering, 计算机工程, 或系统工程. Within each track, three study options are available: 论文, 项目或课程. 的 论文 option requires writing a medium-length technical report 计6学时. This thesis is generally a contribution to original engineering research on a topic of great relevance to the current state-of-art in 电 or 计算机工程. 的 项目 option requires writing a shorter technical project report counting as 3学时, usually heavily oriented toward 电 or Computer 工程应用. Finally, the Course option includes no project work. 所有 选修课程总共需要30个学分. 更多信息请点击这里.

▼   Admission requirements, Master of Science (MSEE) degree
  • 常规录取
    1. A B.S. degree in electrical or computer engineering or closely related field 是必需的.
    2. 平均绩点3分.0或更大(A=4.0)在所有本科工作中都是必需的. This can be relaxed depending on the academic background and experience of the applicant.
    3. A minimum score of 151 in the quantitative section and a minimum score of 141 in the verbal section of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) 是必需的. 这些需求 may be relaxed slightly depending upon special individual circumstances evaluated 整体. GRE scores are not required for ECE students who have graduated from 十大彩票网投平台.
    4. For International students whose native language is not English, a minimum score of 550 on the written Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or a minimum score of 79 on the Internet-based TOEFL exam, or a minimum score of Band 6.5 .国际上 English Language Testing System (IELTS) test, 是必需的 (or other English language 测试结果可能会被考虑).
  • 临时录取
    1. A B.S. degree in electrical or computer engineering, or in a field acceptable to the departmental 研究生招生 Committee, 是必需的. 取决于学生的 background, additional undergraduate preparatory 课程 may be required. 这些课程 不计入硕士学位.
    2. 平均成绩不低于2分.5 (A=4.所有的本科工作,包括 平均成绩不低于2分.5 over the last 64 course hours of undergraduate 需要工作. Alternatively, 平均成绩不低于2分.过去75年 64 course hours of undergraduate 需要工作.
    3. A minimum GRE combined score greater than or equal to 283 (Verbal + Quantitative) 是必需的. GRE scores are not required for ECE students who have graduated from 十大彩票网投平台.
    4. For International students whose native language is not English, a minimum score of 525 on the written Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or a minimum score of 71 on the Internet-based TOEFL exam, or a minimum score of Band 6.国际上的0 English Language Testing System (IELTS) test, 是必需的 (or other English language 测试结果可能会被考虑).

Admission may be granted in special cases where a holistic evaluation of the applicant’s 凭据是合适的.


的 requirements of each of the study options are as follows:

1 Excluding 课程 选自 chosen track core.


EE 526 -机器人导论
EE 530 -纳米技术
EE 575 -随机过程

EE 526 -机器人导论
EE 546 -神经网络

EE 526 -机器人导论
EE 530 -纳米技术
EE 575 -随机过程
SE 601 -系统工程基础
SE 602 -风险和失效分析


BME 567 -生物医学工程原理
CIS 535 -数字法医分析
CSC 513 -计算机图形学
CSC 514 -建模和仿真
CSC 517 -电脑游戏开发
CSC 522 -算法的性能评估
CSC 526 -数据挖掘
me538 -有限元分析
MA 537 -复杂分析
MA 565 -数值分析
MA 567 -运筹学
MA 571 -普通Diff方程
MA 581 -密码学


的re are no deadlines for graduate study applications in Engineering, but you are recommended to apply in good time to allow evaluation of your application and to make 如果被录取,我将搬迁到这里.


的 PhD is the highest degree available in most disciplines. 博士课程是设计好的 to prepare students for leadership positions in applied research, to meet the needs of 行业 and the engineering community for highly-qualified technical experts, and to capitalize on opportunities for interaction between a research university and 行业. Graduate faculty members of the 电气与计算机工程 (ECE) Department are ready to advise and supervise students who wish to earn a Doctoral degree (PhD) in Systems Engineering following the ECE Track, or in Biomedical Engineering (a track of the Basic Medical Sciences PhD offered in conjunction with the USA College 医学).

▼   Additional Information, 哲学博士(PhD)
Study for the PhD degree centers upon extended interdisciplinary research in engineering, requiring at least 67 credit hours after the Bachelor’s degree, including at least 19学时 of dissertation research over several years. 典型的博士论文 might cover improving an engineering process, using systems engineering principles in a new engineering application, designing a new device, improving reliability, or other advanced topics at the cutting-edge of current engineering practice.
▼   Further Information, Systems Engineering PhD (ECE Track)

的 Systems Engineering PhD (ECE Track) offers students a holistic approach to the design and understanding of complex electrical, electronic or computer systems. 毕业生 of this track can apply the fundamental principles of Systems Engineering complemented by advanced knowledge of 电气与计算机工程 to a variety of scientific areas, such as power, control, electronics, electromagnetics, image processing, computer networks and advanced computer architecture with an application focus. 主要目标 of this PhD program are to 1) provide our graduates with the ability to approach electrical or computer engineering with the ability to understand the entire system lifecycle in a manner that meets the needs of 行业, and 2) prepare our graduates for leadership positions requiring applied research, strong theoretical background and critical thinking.

This program is appropriate for students who want to pursue research-based careers 在工业、政府或学术界. 该计划需要系统的组合 and electrical/computer engineering coursework along with ECE research resulting in 公开答辩的博士论文.

研究生协调员照片我们鼓励未来的学生先这样做 e-mail the Department’s Graduate Coordinator, Dr. 赛义德·拉蒂夫,slatif@stellarhygiene.net 或致电(251)460-6998.


招生 Requirements for the Systems Engineering PhD


▼   Further Information, Biomedical Engineering PhD

学生 may pursue a doctorate in Biomedical Engineering through the Interdisciplinary 基础医学研究生课程. 该计划是在合作下提供的 between faculty of the USA 工程学院 and faculty of the USA College of 医学. 的 program combines an interdisciplinary core curriculum with advanced coursework and research in biomedical engineering. 学生必须符合要求 established for the Basic Medical Sciences graduate program in the College of 医学.

Photo of  Director of Biomedical Engineering 研究生项目我们鼓励未来的学生先这样做 contact Dr. 塞拉斯·利维斯利(leavesley@southalabama).edu), Director, Biomedical Engineering 研究生项目, to discuss the program that best 符合他们预期的职业道路.

PDF summarizing Biomedical Engineering track of PhD in Basic Medical Sciences

概述 of Biomedical Engineering track of PhD in Basic Medical Sciences

Details of Biomedical Engineering track of PhD in Basic Medical Sciences


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