
So you’re thinking about going to law school? On this page, you will find resources and advice on the decision to attend law school.


The decision to apply and attend law school is a major decision. 在应用之前, consider why you want to attend law school, the financial considerations associated with this decision, and what you envision doing with your law degree. 这里有一些 有用的资源

  1. 6 questions to ask yourself if you think you want to go to law school
  2. 10 Questions to Ask Before 申请法学院


Law school is expensive, and many law schools have policies regarding working during your first year of law school. 这里有一些 resources to help with financial considerations 还有法学院.

1. 学生贷款计算器 
2. AccessConnex通过AccessLex

3. Personal Finance for Law 学生

4. 支付法学院学费


Throughout your time as an undergraduate, t在这里 are a number of steps we recommend you take as you work toward a legal career. 点击 在这里 to view our pre-law checklist featuring recommendations on preparing for law school in your first, second, and third years at 南 Alabama.


T在这里 are over 200 ABA-accredited law schools in the United States. 这是一份完整的清单.

Which Law School is right for me?

这里有一些 additional resources to help find the law school and the type of law that might be the best fit for you

How to Find the Right Law School

Which field of law is right for you?

Information on bar passage and employment outcomes by law school

Information on different law schools' academic programs, clinicals, scholarships, 律师通过率等.

Resources for female law school students