Move Brings Adventure, New Direction

Posted on October 6, 2020

大一新生Thanh Haas说,马克思图书馆是她在十大彩票网投平台校园里最喜欢的地方. “I like the view from the second floor. 你可以坐在大窗户旁边,眺望湖面,”她说. data-lightbox='featured'
Thanh Haas说马克思图书馆是她在校园里最喜欢的地方 of 南 阿拉巴马州. “I like the view from the second floor. You can sit next to the 有大窗户,可以看到外面的湖,”她说.

#FreshmanFocus是一个关注南大新生的系列节目 阿拉巴马州. 

在莫比尔经营过一家越南餐馆并做过其他工作后,Thanh Haas说 萌生了创业的想法——在十大彩票网投平台附近开一家咖啡店 阿拉巴马州.


“我在脑海中听到了这个声音,决定不投资这项业务,而是 my education,” said Haas, 36. “I thought, this school is where I want to go. 所以我 去了 德国 department, talked to 他们, and they said OK.”

哈斯出生在越南,但在20岁时离开越南去德国生活和工作. 她 met and married a 德国 engineer. 六年前,他的工作把他们带到了阿拉巴马州, where their son and daughter were born.

“我们想挑战自我,进行这次冒险,”她说. “我们决定 留下来是因为天气好,还有当地人,而且住得离海滩很近 在周末.”

十大彩票网投平台,人们知道哈斯的昵称是“月亮”.” 她 decided on a double major of 德国 and hospitality and tourism management, but first she had to improve her English. Now she has a freshman schedule of marketing, 公共演讲,高级德语和酒店与旅游管理.

Her parents were entrepreneurs in Vietnam.

“我父亲在退休前开过一家餐馆,是一名婚礼策划师,”她说. “My mom had her own businesses. I learned a lot from 他们.”

Eight questions for Thanh Haas:

What are your first impressions of 南?

“One thing surprised me a lot. 在越南,我们害怕见到我们的教授, but at 南, it’s not like that. You can just go and talk with 他们. 我的营销 教授,博士. 罗伯特·汤普森,他知道我有孩子不能开课 疫情期间,他拿着我的课本在停车场等我. 这让我 感觉很特别.”

Do you have a favorite spot on campus?

“Yes — Marx Library. I like the view from the second floor. You can sit next to the big windows and look out over the lake. When I started school at 南, I would come 试着读,写,增加我的词汇量.”

You mentioned beaches. What’s your favorite one on the Gulf Coast?

“我们去彭萨科拉海滩和圣罗莎岛. 我丈夫喜欢 to drive to a quiet 分手后,我们一起欣赏日落,然后回家.”


“我在越南的旅游业工作了多年. And I’d really like to work in international business. I love to serve people.”

What was it like leaving Vietnam for 德国y?

“我喜欢这里的文化、人民和教育体系——我去了一个德国社区 大学. And I met my husband. I can tell 德国y is my second homeland.”

What’s harder to learn, English or 德国?

“我在学习德语之前学习英语,但我之前从未学习过学术英语 I moved to the United States and came to 南. I took 德国 in 德国y, so it’s not that hard for me now. 德国 grammar can be difficult. You have to sit down and analyze, are you doing this or doing that?”


“我的计划是找一所学校,在那里我可以教孩子们德语. Languages have changed my life. 我认为他们真的很重要,我喜欢教书 他们.”

Do you have a hidden talent?

“烤. 我经常烤德国面包——我不会从商店买的. 我丈夫喜欢 it. He says, ‘Oh, it tastes just like my mom’s.’”

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