Mobile Actress Takes Stage at 南

Posted on September 21, 2020

Jhalana琼斯曾在当地剧院演出,目前正在学习音乐教育 the University of 南 阿拉巴马州. "We have this teacher, Dr. Thomas Rowell, who is a hoot-and-a-half. 他让我们知道我们不仅仅是他的学生,我们是他的人." data-lightbox='featured'
Jhalana琼斯曾在当地剧院演出,目前正在学习音乐教育 the University of 南 阿拉巴马州. "We have this teacher, Dr. Thomas Rowell, who is a hoot-and-a-half. 他让我们知道我们不仅仅是他的学生,我们是他的人."

#FreshmanFocus是一个关注南大新生的系列节目 阿拉巴马州. 

当Jhalana琼斯走上舞台,在学校戏剧或社区剧院表演时, 这位十大彩票网投平台的大一新生想起了她的姐姐贾米娅·贝茨, who died of pneumonia in 2014.

琼斯说:“这是我们保持联系的一种方式。. “I always make sure that I dedicate everything I do to her.”

女孩们在信仰大异象教堂里唱歌长大. Jhalana went on to 出现在贝克高中,移动戏剧协会和乔·杰斐逊的作品中 剧场.

她在戏剧《十大彩票平台官网》中演出,在音乐剧《十大彩票网投平台》和《十大彩票网投平台》中演唱 “歌舞表演.她最重要的角色是在《十大彩票网投平台》中扮演主角.”

2019年从贝克高中毕业后,琼斯在入学前度过了一段间隔年 十大彩票网投平台的音乐教育.

“I think it was good for me,” she says. “It gave me time to get my stuff together and delve into why I wanted to go to college.”

现在她要单独上历史课,同时还要上完整的音乐课——钢琴, 声乐,音乐会,合唱团和歌剧院. Her part-time job is making appearances 《十大彩票网投平台》(the Princess and the Frog)中的迪士尼角色蒂安娜(Tiana)在筹款活动和 birthday parties.

“这真的很有趣,孩子们喜欢,”她说. “You get to go to these parties 你是公主,孩子们都为你欣喜若狂.”

Eight Questions for Jhalana琼斯

What are your first impressions of 南?

“我开始意识到南校区有多大. T在这里’s pretty scenery and the people are really nice and helpful. It is different than I thought it would be. 在高中,他们几乎会牵着你的手,引导你度过一切. 在这里,他们真正强调的是学会学习,知道什么时候需要 help, and being the best you.”

What’s your best story so far?

“嗯,在我第一堂课的前一天,我找到了我要去的地方,但是 上课那天,我想抄近路,结果迟到了半个小时. I was walking around in circles.”

How are your classes?

“The most fun is opera theatre. We have this teacher, Dr. Thomas Rowell, who is a hoot-and-a-half. He brings a lot of enthusiasm to class. He lets us know we’re not 只是他的学生,我们是他的人,我们会玩得很开心.”


“Definitely, how to adjust to new things. 这是 taught me a lot about time management and finding balance. 这就是我一直在寻找的东西——平衡.”

Your favorite spot on 校园?

“Underneath the bell tower. 能看到喷泉真是太好了. 这是 a good place to clear your mind. 有时你能听到人们在演奏音乐 校园.”

Do you have any hidden talents?

“我是不按食谱做饭或烤东西的女王,而且 still coming out on top.”


“I want to travel, I know that. 我想离开莫比尔,展示我学到的东西 在这里. 我一心想去欧洲,但我们得看情况而定.”

Fill in the blank. 南是___。.

“美丽的. A great place to be.”

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