USA Department of 内科医学

The Department of 内科医学 in the Frederick P. 惠登医学院 at the 十大彩票网投平台 is dedicated to medical education and the development of internal medicine physicians with solid clinical skills, and, if wanted, for additional 附属专业培训. In our program, you will work side by side with attending faculty in both the inpatient and outpatient setting, and you will have the opportunity to know all of your mentors very well.

We are proud of the success of our graduates, the teaching skills of our faculty, and the camaraderie within our program. We will continue to amend the program, where necessary, to give our residents the skills necessary to practice in the future. 这 includes maintaining flexibility, so residents may tailor their training to their 需要. I encourage you to look at our program and be a part of the exciting future 这个机构的.


Department of 内科医学

Chairman's Office: 251-471-7900
Residency Office: 251-471-7891

Kim Eardley, Program Coordinator IV

Brant Weindorf, Program Coordinator I