
超立方体研究生 student Dave Mullens and Dr. Scott Carter working in the fourth dimension. 


获得研究生学位 !

Our graduate program is quite successful. Thanks to the small class sizes and the personalized education that we provide, we have a history of students going on for their PhD's at top-notch schools around the country.

The department treats its graduate students with special care. 我们尽我们最大的努力 sure that their experience here is a rewarding one. The overall environment is quite 愉快的. But don't take our word for it....here are a few quotes from our students:

  • I never knew professors were so friendly. 他们真的很在乎.
  • 课程很有趣.....and when they get challenging, there is always someone who 会帮助我.
  • All my ideas about what grad school is like changed once I got here. 我很高兴 我来了.




Assistantships with Stipends

We also have a limited number of graduate assistantships available. 每一个提供 a stipend of $10,000 and full tuition waiver. If you are interested, contact our graduate 协调员 Dr. Pillen


想知道更多吗? ?

欲知有关 入学要求, areas of study, and courses see the 大学的公告.
More detailed information about the program can be found in the document 政策及程序.
And if you have any other questions, call us or 电子邮件我们.....或者过来看看我们. Remember, we're here to help.



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